The Importance of Internal Culture

A negative internal culture can permeate the largest or smallest companies, all the way down to the external customer experience. It may affect how clients and vendors are treated and how employees regard the company. A positive view of the company will affect employees in every way, from workplace productivity, to retention, to daily employee engagement.

These factors are especially important in an industry like collections. When your interactions with consumers can be bleak and disheartening, it’s especially important for your workplace environment to be encouraging.

How do you spot a positive internal culture? Here are a few key points:

Effects of Workplace Culture

  1. Affects your reputation - Internal culture makes up a large part of a company’s identity, to internal stakeholders and to the general public. A company may have the most optimistic mission in the world, but if they have a negative internal culture, it will come off as forced and fake. To avoid conflicts with your company’s branding—which is likely positive—be sure to showcase your culture in the way you think and talk about your company. It doesn’t have to be a formal branding push, but regarding your internal culture as a positive attribute will cause others to regard it in the same way.
  2. Affects your everyday experience - You spend 8+ hours per day at work. You don’t have time to hate your job or co-workers when you spend that much time around them. A positive internal culture will drive you to accomplish your mission and the company’s mission. It will inspire feelings of belonging, camaraderie, and motivation for the cause. In addition, it will affect your feelings of satisfaction toward your work and toward the company. This is a key indicator of company health, so you want your employee satisfaction to be high.

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